donderdag 31 maart 2011

half marathon disaster

on sunday the 20th of March was my 1st half marathon of the year planned; in Sluis. I really thought that I would run faster than last year even though I had my 2nd cold in 4 weeks and I was in the middle of a 4 week training cycle.. it was a disaster. From the start on I didn’t feel very good. because of my cold I had trouble breathing and I couldn’t find a rhythm. In the 1st kilometer Reiny jumped passed me and just took off! I was a bit scared he would get hit by the man with the hammer around km 16-17 but he finished really strong. 1:40:54 for you first half marathon is awesome! 
km 1-10 were ok, I couldn’t cool down and kept throwing water over me and that sort of got me through half the race. From then on my lungs started burning and I felt like I couldn’t get any oxygen out of the air I was breathing in. my race was over. switch button from ‘racing mode’ into ‘training mode’ and just finish. It sounds easy but trust me it isn’t. I really had to keep telling myself: Ok, Gwen, take it easy. Don’t force it you’re just gonna do yourself more harm than good. finish it, and use this as training. 
km 10-18 were a bit of a mental rollercoaster. a lot of people passed me! It felt like everyone passed me! I just wanted to stop and go home. but from km 18 things got a bit easier. only 3km, that’s ‘if you would run at the slow pace of 6min/km” only 18min untill you cross the finish. piece of cake! so, I finished in 1 hour 49 min and a bit. I wasn’t even really upset because I was kind of proud at myself that I could just ‘switch the button’. In the passed I would of been really pissed, angry and upset but this wasn’t the race I’m preparing for. this is just part of my training, and training isn’t supposed to be easy. not just physical but also mental training is what I need to work on to go better in my half ironman races. So it probably didn’t feel as the best training I could of done for my body but my mind learned a lot that day! 
Mike, Pieter and Celine also raced. Mike didn’t do any running over an hour for about 8 months and finished in 1:39! Pieter, we all know he’s just an amazing athlete, finished in 1:22. and Celine beat her pb by 5 min and finished in 1:45! 
If you want to see the results you can see them here:

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